Saturday, September 26, 2015

An Introduction

            Hi, こんにちわ、안녕하세요, 大家好.  May I introduce to you, Tingri to Tokyo. My name is Dani, and I will be your guide on this tour of modern youth culture in South Korea, Japan, and China, though I may talk about more than just those three on occasion as well.  Most of the topics covered should be fairly light, but questions of identity (or politics, etc.) can get pretty heavy.  In these – and in any other case as well – this humble author would love to hear the thoughts of the readers. 

            Now that the broad overview is over, I should probably introduce some of the specific bits I want to talk about. 

I)              Popular Culture – This is probably the area with the most exposure to interested parties overseas
II)            Traditional Culture – The interplay of the old and the new fascinates me, and traditions like holidays can be lots of fun too!
III)          Food – Recipes can go a long way in helping stave off culture shock, or high grocery bills.
IV)          Language – There's just... so much diversity.  I mean, East Asia is home to both the most complicated and most simplistic writing systems on the planet, and that's not even getting into the spoken language bits.

            Please post any questions in the comment section.  I will answer as many as I am able. 

PS: Today is the Comb Festival in Kyoto.  In celebration, here's a history through hairstyles.

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